Manifesting 101: FOOD

What does it mean to manifest something?

It simply means to draw attention to and bring in that idea or feeling or item into your life. You can manifest anything, truly.

I always joked that when it came to connecting to this idea of “manifesting,” and the simplest way for me to get there. I named it: Manifesting 101: FOOD

For some reason, manifesting food was something that came easy to me right from the start. Probably because I love to eat. So the fun factor was definitely there.

I made it a game. I would think of what I wanted, visualize it, set my intentioned belief behind it, and then just wait. Smiling seemed to help as well. That just confirmed my faith in that it would happen.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and imagined a cupcake being delivered to me at my door. I can’t say it came to me on EVERY occasion, but more than not, that cupcake would make it’s way over. Either through a friend who wanted to “just drop some off,” or through my husband who was at the store and wanted to surprise me. I honestly can’t remember HOW many times I manifested a snack, a coffee, birthday cake, chips, pizza…..the list goes on.

I did this for fun, but also to challenge my skills at connecting with the world in a deeper way.

As time went on, I began playing with the idea of manifesting other aspects into my life. The perfect appointment time and day, a phone call from someone, and the best parking spot. (Thank you, Wayne Dyer, for that one.) These were small, yet impactful aspects to my day that brought me ease.

But the simplest thing, for whatever reason, was food.

Try this for yourself. Take the time to close your eyes and truly think about what you are bringing in. Focus on it. See it. See it coming to you. Whatever it is, see yourself accepting it. Have the complete faith that it will show up. And then let it go. Give it out into the world to finish, adding all the specific details of how and when and where.

Just trust that it will happen.

And then wait with AWE!

Manifest something that excites you. The best part is the waiting and anticipation of something special happening. And if it doesn’t work out the way you would hope, try something different. We all have our own unique signature in life. This isn’t any different. Do what works for you.

But most importantly……have FUN!


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