Breathing Is Life

Breathing is life. The way you breath completely correlates to the way your life will be.

Short breaths….full breaths…..rapid breathing……slow and conscientious breathing.

How do you breathe naturally? Are you aware of your breath throughout the day?

Stop right now and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and then let it settle into a deep breath out. Feel softer and calmer on every exhale. A little more relaxed and at ease.

Take one minute, anytime during your busy day, to stop. Close your eyes. And BREATHE.

How does the air feel as you draw it up through your nose? Can you fill your lungs with just a tiny bit more, expanding them and allowing your chest to open? Can you bring in a sense of peace and ease as you allow the breathe to settle down through your body, relaxing eaves muscle while you do so?

If you can slow down your breath, you can slow down your life.

Take the time to breathe fully and bring your nervous system into balance.


Manifesting 101: FOOD


Thoughts and Offerings of an INTUITIVE